Discover Detego V4.17: Faster Investigations, Streamlined Reporting, and Quicker Results (24 October 2024)

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Event Location: Webinar
Event Dates: 24 October, 2024
Event Website: Register Now

Join our exclusive webinar to discover how Detego v4.17, the latest update to our award-winning digital forensics platform, can revolutionise your investigations. Led by Rob Maddox, our Technical Sales Engineer and Director of Training for North America, this session will showcase groundbreaking updates that significantly accelerate casework.

Experience how Detego v4.17 enhances speed and accuracy with video and image processing capabilities that are up to five times faster and object identification and indecent image detection that’s twice as quick. You’ll also see the expanded language support (now covering 176 languages), as well as the all-new reporting capabilities with embedded screen recordings and evidence links facilitating more streamlined communication with stakeholders.

Rob will demonstrate advanced features, including new parser execution functions in Analyse AI+, customisable GPU/CPU settings, and enhanced Field Triage functionality.

All attendees receive a free 30-day trial of our Unified Digital Forensics Platform. Whether you’re in corporate, government, intelligence, military, or law enforcement sectors, this in-depth session will help you stay ahead in digital forensics.

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