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Leveraging Detego’s Intelligent Workflow Automation for Faster Investigations (04 December 2024)

In the fast-paced world of digital investigations, every second counts. Time spent on repetitive, non-value-adding tasks is time lost in the race to uncover critical evidence. Recognising this challenge, Detego Global has developed a game-changing, end-to-end platform with intelligent workflow automation that streamlines digital forensics processes and empowers users of any experience level.


Discover Detego Global’s Game-Changing Tools for Rapid Data Extraction (02 October 2024)

When faced with mounting backlogs and increasing pressure, time becomes a scarce and invaluable resource for investigators. In this must-attend webinar, experts from Detego Global will reveal how the company’s rapid data extraction tools for computers, mobiles, smart devices and networked devices can help you slash backlogs and accelerate investigations.


ILTACON 2024 (11-15 August 2024)

Join us as we demonstrate how our award-winning solutions transform legal investigations, streamline e-discovery processes, and deliver swift, breakthrough results.


Redefining Justice: Exploring the Transformative Impact of Detego Global’s Acclaimed Digital Forensics Tools (22 August 2023)

Join Javis Olson and Mike Bates, veterans from the military and law enforcement sectors, for an insiders’ view of how Detego eliminates bottlenecks and accelerates the resolution of cases in any setting.

Get a detailed look at the recently launched Detego Analyse AI+ and its ground-breaking features, including the AI-semantic search and powerful similar image search functions that can eliminate hours of manual data sifting. See how Analyse AI+ translates and transcribes audio and video in real-time – helping you pinpoint critical evidence in minutes!

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